August 14-18, 2023

The Lake Superior Music Teachers Association and Copper Country Suzuki are pleased to announce The UP Tempo Music Camp this summer. The camp is open to all 7-17 year-olds with an interest in music. This week-long day camp will be run in the studios of Copper Country Suzuki Association in Dollar Bay and staffed by some of the Keweenaw’s finest music teachers.
Students may participate in a variety of activities including Scratch Coding, duets and ensembles, rhythm games, composing, improvising, jazz, and more.
WHEN: August 14 — 18, 2023
- Register by: July 15, 2023
- Sessions: Monday — Friday, 10:00 — NOON
- Check-in: Monday August 14, 9:30 — 10:00 AM
- Sharing Time: Friday August 18, 1:00 PM
WHERE: Copper Country Suzuki Association, 23145 Granite Ave., Dollar Bay, MI. Note: One day will meet in Calumet, TBA
WHO: Students aged 7 — 17, with an interest in music.
WHAT: Duets, ensembles, improvisation, Scratch Coding, composing, rhythm games, pipe organ exploration, jazz, and more!
WHY: Because we love music!
COST: $50.00 (INCLUDES T-SHIRT). Make checks payable to LSMTA.
Download registration form here.
Register online here.